$110M in Wildlife Crossing Pilot Project Awards Announced
We applaud Congress and the Biden Administration for delivering on their bipartisan promise to make our nation’s highways safer for people and wildlife through an inaugural investment of nearly $110 million in funding for the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program.
To learn more about funded projects, read our press release here.
Wildlife Crossings Across America
On September 15th, ARC will depart on a cross-country wildlife crossing road trip. The project is a collaboration between the National Wildlife Federation’s #SaveLACougars Campaign, ARC Solutions, Big Cat Voices, and the Wildlife Crossing Fund. Featuring current and future wildlife crossings sites from California to Arizona to New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida – every stop will generate awareness for the perilous pathways of wildlife, showcase solutions that can save the lives of animals and raise awareness for the need for wildlife crossings.
Guide to Wildlife Infrastructure Funding Opportunities
ARC Solutions, National Parks Conservation Association, and Wildlands Network are excited to share this snapshot guide to Wildlife Infrastructure Funding Opportunities within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Interested in learning more about Federal funding that can be used to pay for wildlife mitigation measures, including animal road crossings? Then check out our dedicated Wildlife Crossings Pilot and Wildlife Infrastructure Funding page to explore this living guide and other resources.
New Wildlife Crossing Fund Will Raise $500 Million
The National Wildlife Federation's #SaveLACougars campaign and an expert set of committed partners are celebrating the launch of The Wildlife Crossing Fund – a campaign that aims to accelerate the building of wildlife crossings across California, the United States, and the world and reconnect lands for our collective future. The fund has set a fundraising goal of a half a billion dollars to leverage with public dollars and advance the building of these critical infrastructure projects – launching an extraordinary public private partnership.
Wild Ways: Harvard GSD
Jointly sponsored by Arc Solutions and the National Wildlife Federation, the Wild Ways studio hosted at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in Spring 2022. Taught by Professor Chris Reed, the studio explores themes of connectivity, resilience, and landscape infrastructure through the particular lens of metropolitan scale wildlife corridors and crossings in and around Los Angeles.
Featured Partner: Highways and Habitats
Highways & Habitats is an online introduction to Road Ecology – the interaction of transportation systems and infrastructure with wildlife and habitats. Presented by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (VF&WD), Highways & Habitats Tier 1, gives a broad overview of the Road Ecology challenges and opportunities for transportation and wildlife professionals.
Nina-Marie Lister Named 2021 Margolese Prize Winner
ARC Partner and Advisor to the 2010 ARC International Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Design Competition, Professor Nina-Marie Lister, has been named the 2021 Margolese Prize Winner for her leadership in urban ecology and design. The prize celebrates a Canadian citizen who has made a significant contribution to the built environment and the people within it.
Wildlife Crossing Success Stories
Discover wildlife crossing success stories across North America featuring a diversity of species, from toads to pronghorn to mountain lions; a range of landscapes, from urban to rural and in between, and learn about the partnerships that came together to make our roads safer for people and wildlife.
Highway Crossing Structures for Wildlife: Opportunities for Improving Driver and Animal Safety
Developed collaboratively by a multidisciplinary team of experts, this report summarizes for policymakers the challenges and anticipated benefits of creating a systematic, national network of wildlife crossings.
Innovative Strategies to Reduce the Cost of Effective Wildlife Overpasses
Wildlife overpasses, or structures that bridge a road or highway to allow wildlife to cross over safely, pay for themselves fairly quickly but are often regarded as expensive to build. This report contains information useful to transportation engineers, compiling design and construction techniques, strategies, and considerations aimed at reducing costs while maintaining or improving the efficacy of wildlife overpasses.
Frequently Asked Questions About Wildlife Crossings
This publication features answers to the most common inquiries and misconceptions regarding wildlife-vehicle collisions and the proven success of wildlife crossing infrastructure in solving this ubiquitous problem. Often, the available scientific literature, peer-reviewed publications, and technical resources are long, complex and not easily digestible. Developed in collaboration with leaders in the scientific research and implementation of wildlife crossings, the most current and accurate information has been distilled in a question and answer format.
National Wildlife Federation Unveils New Look at Landmark California Wildlife Crossing
ARC is absolutely thrilled to be part of the outstanding collaboration working to ensure that the crossing at Liberty Canyon represents a worldwide model of excellence in design for the safe passage of people and wildlife, making it both a physical and symbolic bridge to the future for southern California’s wildlife including its treasured mountain lions.
(Re)Connecting Wild: Restoring Safe Passages
(Re)Connecting Wild tells the remarkable story of the decade-long effort by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and its partners to improve human safety by re-connecting a historic mule deer migration that crosses over both US-93 and I-80 in rural Elko County, Nevada. Witness the wildlife crossing structures along I-80 from construction to the restoration of safe passage for migratory mule deer to more than 1.5 million acres of summer and winter habitat.
What is ARC?
ARC is an interdisciplinary partnership working to facilitate new thinking, new methods, new materials and new solutions for wildlife crossing structures. Our goal is to ensure safe passage for both humans and animals on and across our roads. Situated at the intersection of science and design, we are a forum for creative collaborations and surprising synergies.